E mail marketing although very popular it has a some what notorious reputation, why this notorious reputation well because of spam. What is spam? spam is where unscrupulous companies send unsolicited, useless information to thousands of people who do not want it. What Are the Benefits of Permission E Marketing
If you use this technique you can be banned from the internet banned from the search engines, banned from your isp and banned from your web hosting company, you can also be sued. So do not use this illegal method of advertising your business.
There are legal, ethical and very effective methods of contacting and advertising your business on the internet, other than using a spam. For contacting and advertising your business online, use permission email marketing.
Permission based e mail marketing is a method used to contact, offer and advertise your business on the internet in which your potential customer have given you permission to contact them via email.
So here are some of the benefits that a permission email marketing campaign has to offer over mass emailing that is unsolicited:
1. Legality.
This form of marketing your product is legal and ethical. So there is no fear of legal proceedings being taken against you or your company.
2. Ethical.
Permission email marketing is an ethical method that you can use to run your emarketing campaign, where spamming is unethical. People do not want thousands of emails sent to them that they have not asked for.
3. Portrays a trust worthy and professional business image.
It is very important to build a trust worthy and professional image on the internet. It is even more important to build a trust worthy relationship online than it is if you conduct your business from a “bricks and morter” type business. The reason for this is when people buy online they can not physically look or touch the product that you have on offer.
4. Your target customers.
Permission based marketing allows you to attract targeted customers. That is customers that have shown an interest in the product or topic that you have on offer. They have signaled an interest in your product simply by giving you permission to contact them through your e-marketing permission strategy.
5. Avoid additional costs.
When you use permission marketing you will avoid some additional costs. The reason being with spamming people are not interestd in the useless information on offer. So you would be better saving time and money and channeling your energies on some other more effective marketing strategies. This does not include time and money spent on legal fees if you are sued.
6. Appreciation
Your customers will appreciate the professional way you are running your business and this will help you to build a good business relationship.
A survey conducted by IMT strategies concluded that direct e-marketing, that is permission marketing. Showed that 48% of people would open and read this sort of email and only 16% of people would show interest in opening unsolicited e mail.
In conclusion permission e marketing and the benefits it has with your other email marketing strategies. Can be a very powerful tool to have in your advertising arsenal. Good luck